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Jason Hung's Portfolio

Welcome to my digital hub where I share my work in academia, journalism, digital products and beyond. My enthusiasm and curiosity drive me to explore multiple fields of interest. Please find my work, as follows:

Researcher & Data Analyst

I have been involved in multiple research projects during my early years of academic trajectory. My work focuses on addressing social inequality, public health, education, gender studies, international development, sustainable development, public and social policy and China-Southeast Asia ties and diplomacy.

Journalist & Columnist

I had been working as a freelance journalist and columnist for a number of news outlets between 2018 and 2023. Here I addressed the livelihoods of and dilemmas faced by East and Southeast Asian citizens or diasporas. The topics that I penned range from society and culture, to politics and diplomacy.

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Digital Creator

Out of all kinds of digital products, I have decided to create instrumental and pop music. I like instrumental music that is epic or emotional, while I prefer pop music that is upbeat.

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